1.All types of steel contains mainly iron and carbon along with – Nickel and chromium
2.The first woman in space was – Valentina Tereshova
3.Who was called the ‘Flying sikh’? – Milka singh
4.The only liquid metal is – Chlorine
5.Lack of which vitamin leads to night blindness -Vitamin A
6.’Cannon, cue and pot ‘are three terms associsted with – Golf only
7.Which of the following is associated with cricket? – Beighton cup
8.Which component of the blood protects the body from bacterial attack? – White corpuscles
9.Which of the following is the currency of japan? – Yen
10.Who gave the eslogan ‘Jai jawan jai kisan? – Lal Bahudur shastri
11.Where is the Hindustan shipyard located? – Calcutta
12.The scientific name of Lotus is – Nelumbo
13.The scientific name of tiger is – Lioner
14.Onion is modified – Leaves
15.Normally, ahosuefly lives for about – one year
16.An animal which can not take solid food is – Butterfly
17.The largest cells in our body are – Nervecells
18.Diagested food is mostly absorbed through the – Small intenstine
19.The diet of a 2-year old baby should contain more – Protine
20.Fetilization is external in – Frog
21.Merino is an improved variety of – Sheep
22.Raphides found is a kind of reproduction found in – Calcium oxalate