Polity One-Liners for various competitive examinations

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Here are some important Polity one-liners for students competing for various exams
Watch some of the important Polity Bits below.
Constitutional Landmark- Its Provisions
1-Charter Act, 1833
Under this, some of the important provisions are made.
a- Governor General of Bengal became Governor General of India.
b-Lord William Bentinck became the first Governor General of India.
c-The Indian Civil Services was founded.
d-The Act centralized British rule in India.
2-Government of India, Act, 1858
a-Governor General became the agent of the crown and now known as Viceroy of India.
b- Lord Canning became the first Viceroy of India
3-Charter Act of 1793
a-The Company got monopoly of trade with India for another 20 years
b-Salary of company to drawn from the Indian exchequer
4-Regulating Act, 1773
a-Established a Supreme Court at Calcutta
b-Warren Hastings was the first Governor-General.
5-Charter Act, 1853
a-Open competition for Indian Civil Services
b-Separated legislative & executive functions of Governor General’s Council
6-Pitts India Act, 1784
a-Board of Control was established under this act.
b-Indian affairs under direct control of British government
7-Indian Councils Act, 1861
a-Recognition to the ‘Portfolio’ system, was introduced by Lord Canning in 1859
b-Indians became non-official members of the legislature
c-Parliamentary system started in India
8-Indian Councils Act, 1909
* It is also known as Morley-Minto Reforms.
*Lord Morley was then the secretary of state for India and Lord Minto was then the Viceroy of India.
*Satyendra Prasad Sinha became the first Indian to join the Viceroy’s Executive Council
9- Government of India Act, 1919
*It is also known as Montague Chelmsford Reforms.
* Montague was the secretary of state for India and Lord Chelmsford was the viceroy of India.
*Under this Dyarchy/ Dual system of government was introduced.
*3 of the 6 members of governor-general’s council had to be Indians.
*Bicameral legislature with upper and lower houses were formed with direct elections.
10-Government of India Act, 1935
* This act has provided for the establishment of Reserve Bank of India, Federal Court, Public Service Commission, Provincial Public Service Commission & Joint Public Service Commission for
two or more Provinces
*Established All India Federation of provinces & princely states as constituent units.
*Introduced dyarchy at the center and bicameralism in the provinces
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