Biology- One-Liners- for various competitive examinations

Thank You all for landing on the page of Biology. The subject Biology plays an important role in various competitive examinations conducted by various organizations. Biology One-Liners help a lot.
The subject plays an important role in various competitive examinations conducted by various organizations. Biology bits help a lot.
Some of Biology-One Liners are as follows
1-Hepatitis is a disease related to the inflammation of the liver.
2- An egg sinks in tap water, but floats in a concentrated solution of salt, because the density of the salt solution exceeds the density of the egg.
3-Epinephrine is a hormone. It can be used as a drug to treat cardiac arrest and some other cardiac problems.
4- Bifocal lens is used to correct Presbyopia.
5-Trimethylxanthine is a chemical name of a stimulant Caffeine. It is found in tea and coffee.
6- Each kidney is made of a tube like structures called nephrons (renal tubules).

7-Bowman’s Capsule is found in Kidney.
8-Cirrhosis is a disease that affects Liver.

9-Tuberculosis Bacteria is Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
10-Astigmatism is an optical defect in which vision is blurred.
11-Mastopexy is also called ‘Breast Lift’

12-Pepsin breaks food protein into Peptides which further are broken into Amino Acids by Trypsin.
13- Melvin Calvin won the Nobel prize for his work on photosynthesis.
14-The entire series of reactions which are involved in the conversion of CO2 to glucose is called Calvin cycle.
15-Melvin Calvin got Nobel prize for his studies on Carbon fixation/Dark reaction.
16-The kidney-shaped cells which surround the stroma are called Guard cells.
17-The energy particles of light rays are called Photons.
18-The scientist who studied the sequences of changes in a citric acid cycle is Sir Hans Krebs.

19-The temperature at which respiration takes place is called Optimal temperature.
20- Mucus glands in the skin of earthworm and frog keep their skin moist.
21-Fish have a simple circulatory system, which consists of a two-chambered heart, an atrium, and a ventricle.
22-The scientific name of the earthworm is Lumbricus terrestris.
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