Economy One-Liners for various competitive examinations

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Economy One-Liners for various competitive examinations

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Here are some important Economy one-liners for students competing for various exams

Watch some of the important Economy Bits below.

1- The full form of SEBI is-

(A) State Education Board of India
(B) South Eastern Bank of India
(C) Securities and Exchange Board of India
(D) Scheduled Castes and Educationally Backward classes of India

2- This among the following looks after the Center-State financial relations

(A) Planning Commission
(B) Ministry of Finance
(C) Sarkaria Commission
(D) Finance Commission

3- NABARD is related with

(A) Industrial development
(B) Urban development
(C) Rural development
(D) Development of railways

4- In which places the Green Revolution occurred first?

(A) Punjab and Haryana
(B) Bihar and West Bengal
(C) Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu
(D) Gujarat and Maharastra

5- Annual plans 1966-69 period is usually regarded as

(A) Temporary plan period
(B) Plan Holiday
(C) A period of cessation of all plan activities
(D) Plan rest period

6- What is a mixed economy?

(A) Where domestic and foreign trade are intermixed
(B)When private and public economic units operate side by side

(C) Public Sector operate successfully
(D) Where the private sector is policed by the State Sector

7- Which among the followings, the Five Year Plan was suspended one year before its time schedule.

(A) Third Plan
(B) Fourth Plan
(C) Fifth Plan
(D) Sixth Plan

8- Name the authority that maintains foreign exchange reserve in our country.

(A) Export-Import Bank of India
(B) Minister of Finance, Govt. of India
(C) State Bank of India
(D) Reserve Bank of India

9- Name the Apex Bank for supplying agricultural credit.

(A) State Bank of India
(C) Reserve Bank of India
(D) (B) and (C)

10- Food Corporation of India was set up in which year?

(A) 1955
(B) 1960
(C) 1965
(D) 1970

11- The Planning Commission is

(A) A department of the Ministry of Finance. Govt. of India
(B) An advisory body
(C) Endowed with the responsibility of implementing five-year plans
(D) A wing of the Ministry of Planning, Government of India

12- What is the Finance Commission?

(A) An organization to find out financial resources for financing Five-Year Plans
(B) An organization to prepare annual budgets for the Government
(C) A permanent body to supervise the center-state financial relationship
(D) A constitutional body appointed by the President every five years to review Centre-State financial relationship

13- Name the place in which a system of Panchayati Raj existed even before 1947.

(A) Gujarat
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) All of the above

14- Why Balwantrai Mehta Committee was appointed?

(A) To formulate the labor welfare programme
(B) To formulate child welfare programme
(C) To formulate National Security Policy
(D)To examine the Community Development Projects

15- What does Globalization of the Indian economy mean?

(A) Establishing business units abroad
(B) Export promotion
(C) Import liberalization
(D) Putting minimum restrictions on trade relations with other countries


1- Securities and Exchange Board of India.

2- Finance Commission.

3- Rural development.

4- Punjab and Haryana.

5- Plan Holiday.

6- Where the private sector is policed by the State Sector.

7- Fifth Plan.

8- Reserve Bank of India.



11-An advisory body

12- A constitutional body appointed by the President every five years to review Centre-State financial relationship

13- Tamil Nadu.

14- To examine the Community Development Projects.

15- Putting minimum restrictions on trade relations with other countries.

Also, watch another article on Economy here

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