General Awareness

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General Awareness :- Miscellaneous

1-Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary is located in Gujarat.

2-The design of national flag was adopted in the year 22nd July 1947.

3-Panipat has been selected as the first eco town of India.

4-Phosphorous element helps in the flowering of plants.

5-Green plant pigment used in the photosynthesis process is called Chlorophyll.

6-Chromoplasts are responsible for yellow,orange or red colour in flowers and fruits.

7-The national song Vandemataram was composed by Bankim Chandra Chattarjee.

8-Pentagon is the defence department of USA.

9-Trotsky has organised Red Army.

10-Brown shirts were associated with Hitler.

                                                                      Adolf Hitler

11-G-SAT 1 was launched from Sriharikota.

12-The political party of Mussolini was fascist party.


13-In 1815, Napoleone was defeated in the battle of Waterloo.


14-The period of Augustus Caeser has been known as Golden Age Of Rome.

15-J.R.D Tata is the father of Civil Aviation in India.

                                                      Jamsetji Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata

16-Viswanathan Anand is the first Indian to win the World Champion title in Chess.

17-In Delhi, the first Asian games were held.

18-First Indian woman civil engineer is Lalitha from Madras in 1937.

19-Elvis Presley is known as the King of Rock and Roll.

                                                                     Elvis Presley

20-Dr Venugopal is the first person to conduct heart transplantation in India.

21-Swami Vivekanand said that there is neither Hindu nor Muslim, only man.

22- Apple corporation company introduced mouse for the first time.

23-Bone is used as fertilizer because it contain Phosphorous.

24-AIDS disease was first identified in America in 1981.

25-The first I.P.S woman officer is Kiran Bedi.

                                                                   Kiran Bedi.

26-Titicaca is the highest lake.

27-Chemistry in ancient times called as Alchemy.

28-Razia Begum is the first woman ruler in Delhi.

29-The first woman president of Indian National Congress was Annie Besant.

30-The first woman member in the Planning Commission was Durgabhai Deshmukh.

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