History One-Liners for various competitive examinations

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Maximum questions come from this portion in different competitive exams.
Here are some important History one-liners for students competing for various exams
Watch some of the important Bits below.
1- Resorgimento was the newspaper published by Cavour.
2-Joseph Mazzini founded the Young Italy movement.
3- Carbonary is the secret revolutionary organization in Italy.
4-Blood and Iron was the policy of Bismarck.

5- Plato talked the equality of wealth.
6- Louis Blanc advocated the principle of Right to work.
7-The books written by Karl Marx are Das Capital and Communist Manifesto.
8- First International was organized by Karl Marx in 1864. It was the conference of the delegates of the working class all over the World.
9- Red Shirts– Garibaldi organized an army with 1000 revolutionaries which were called Red Shirts.
10- Joseph Mazzini, Count Cavour, and Garibaldi are the three important people responsible for the unification of Italy.
11- Napoleon was born in Corsica on 15th August 1769. He was influenced by Rousseau. He became the Brigadier General and later the Commander of the Army in France.

12- Napoleon was defeated by England in the battle of Waterloo and was deported to the island St. Helena. He died in 1821 in St. Helena.
13- Rousseau was a great thinker and philosopher of France.

14- In 1813 a fierce battle was fought between the Allied Nations and Napoleon at Leipzeg for three days. This battle was called Battle of Nations.
15- Napoleon implemented Continental system to isolate England and defeat it in an indirect way.
16- The Congress of Vienna was held in 1815.
17- Restoration and legitimacy, a balance of power and compensation, rewards and punishments were the guiding principles of the Congress of Vienna.
18-Liberalism and Nationalism were the legacies of French Revolution.
19- Louis XVIII was the king of France in 1830.

20-Louis Phillipe of France called himself Peoples King.
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