1- Centre for world solidarity is situated at secunderabad.
2-Variety of the living thing that populates the earth is called bio diversity.
3-World conservation strategy was proposed by IUCN in 1980.
4-Forests serve as lungs of the world.
5-FAO- Food and Agriculture Organization.
6-Ground water levels increase with percolation tanks.
7-Coal, petroleum, natural gas and minerals are non renewable resources.
8- IUCN- International Union for the Conservation of Nature (1948).
9-Soil erosion can be reduced with contour strip cropping.
10- ICRISAT (secunderabad) – International Crop Research Institute for Semi Arid Tropics.
11-UNDP- United Nations Development Programme.
12-Wood products can be replaced with bamboo.
13-Seeds of Jatropa curcas used for production of bio diesel.
14-Available surface fresh water is 0.01%.
15-CO2, NO2, CFC (Chloro Fluro Carbons) are examples for Green house gasses.
16-CFL (compact fluorescent lamp) is energy efficient and generate little heat.
17-Drinking of fluorine polluted water causes fluorosis.
18-Gujarat stands first place in our country in utilizing solar energy.
19-CFC are used in refrigerators and air conditioners.
20- Green house gasses maintain temperature on earth. Excess presence of these gasses causes Global
21-There will be better yield if we grow different plants in the field by attracting more insects.
22- Waste materials produce methane gas.
23-Shele explained about fluorine in 1771. In 1886 Maizen separated fluorine element from its ore.
24-Presence of solid particles and liquid droplets present in air are called particulate matter (aerosols).
25- Substances that are broken by down by biological process are said to be biodegradable.
26-The three “R”s are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
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