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Biology –




1-Amylase breaks starch into sugars (glucose).

2-Animals which are active during nights are called nocturnal animals.

3-Animals which are active during day are called diurnal animals.

4- Increasing ghrelin levels results in sensation of hunger.

5- pH beyond ‘7’ is alkaline and below ‘7’ is acidic.

6-Nervous system in digestive system is often called as second brain.

7-Saliva secreted by salivary glands changes the medium to alkaline.

8-Pavlov conducted experiments on conditional reflexes

9-The formula of teeth is 2:1:2:3 (incisors, canines, premolars, molars).

10-Leptin suppresses hunger.

11-The grinding and chewing of food by tooth is called mastication.

12- Ville which are present on in surface of small intestine absorb the digested food.

13-Peristalsis movement is controlled by autonomous nervous system.

14-The 5th cranial nerve controls the movement of muscles in the jaw.

15-Production of secretin and cholecystokinin stimulate to release of pancreatic juice, bile juice and succus

16-Saliva secretion and movements in digestive system are under the action of autonomous nervous system.

17-The chemo receptors in nose are also called olfactory receptors.

18- Food forms into bolus as a result of chewing.

19-The motion that propels the bolus into stomach is called peristalsis.

20-Emptying of stomach takes place in 4-5 hrs and small intestine is 30-40 hrs.

21- Reverse peristalsis occurs in ruminants (cow, buffalo).

22. Mucus lubricates and protects the walls of oesophagus.

23-Pyloric sphincter is present at the opening of stomach and duodenum.

24-Digestive juices turn the food into chime.

25-The burning and belching sensation in stomach is due to the secretion of HCL.

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