History-One Liners
1-Mahatma Gandhiji was the editor of Young India.
2-The ‘Homespun Movement’ and the Salt March promoted by Mahatma Gandhiji in India are examples of his policy of Non-violent protest.
3–Rajagriha is the name given to the Ambedkar’s house built for himself, his family and books at Dadar, in Bombay.
4-Dr. B. R. Ambedkar said, ‘Those who attack Congress and spare Nehru are fools. They do not know the ABCs of the politics ?’
5-‘Jai Hind’, the nationalist slogan of India was coined by Subhash Chandra Bose.
6-Article 368 empowers the Parliament to amend the Indian Constitution.
7-Either House of Parliament is authorized to initiate a Bill for Constitutional Amendment
8-In case of Jammu & Kashmir, an Amendment to the Constitution become applicable only after the President issued the necessary orders under the Article 370.
9-The Constitution of Jammu & Kashmir was framed by ‘A special Constituent Assembly’ set up by the State.
10-Article 356 of the Constitution of India deals with Proclamation of President’s Rule in a State.
11-The final interpreter to Indian Constitution is Supreme Court.
12-As per Article 262 of Indian Constitution, disputes relating to waters shall be solved by Parliament.
13-In the Indian Constitution there are three lists: The Union list, the State list and the Concurrent list.
14-The details of salaries, allowances, etc. of the President, Vice President, Speaker, Judges of Supreme Court, etc. are provided in Schedule II.
15-In Berubari Case Case did Supreme Court hold that Preamble was not a part of the Constitution.
16-The Indian State is regarded as federal because the Indian Constitution provides for sharing of power between Center and States.
17-The Indian Federal system is modeled on the Federal system of Canada.
18- Andhra Pradesh State enjoys the distinction of being the first linguistic State of India.
19-In Keshavananda Bharti Case did Supreme Court hold that the Preamble was a part of the Constitution.
20-India is known as Parliamentary Democracy because Executive is responsible to the Parliament
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