General Awareness -Miscellaneous
1-Amaxophobia is the fear of what ?- Riding in a vehicle.
2-What animal provide 50% of all the protein eaten in Peru?- Guinea Pigs.
3-Which animal has legs but cant walk ?- Hummingbird.
4-If you were eating fragrant meat in Hong Kong what is it ?- Dog.
5-Italy invented Phonecards.
6-In what city 1985 was the worlds first computer museum opened ?- Boston
7-Which animal sleeps with one eye open – Dolphin.
8-What does a geophage enjoy ?- Eating earth
9-What is the longest river in Australia Murray-Darling.
10-Pluto (the Planet) was almost called what name ?- Zeus.
11-Most lipsticks contain what unexpected item ? -Fish Scales.
12-John Flynn invented what service in Australia ?- Flying Doctors.
13-The eyes of which animal have rectangular pupils ?- Goat.
14-What is the only bone in the body unattached to any other bone ?- Hyoid in throat.
15-There are more than 1500 varieties of what food ?- Rice.
16-Mageiricophobia is a fear of what ?- Having to cook.
17-What animals eye is larger than its brain ?- Ostrich.
18-Who is the biggest landowner in New York city ?- Catholic Church.
19-What fish can blink its eyes ?- Shark.
20-Which vegetable got its name from a precious stone Onion – Latin unio large pearl.
21-What is 2000 in Roman Numerals- MM
22-The word bank comes from the Italian banco – literal meaning what Bench – where moneylender sat
23-Who refused the Nobel Literature prize in 1958 ?- Boris Pasternak.
24-What is the sacred animal of Thailand ?- White Elephant.
25-The leach has 32 what – humans only got one ?- Brains.
26-What is the fastest swimming ocean fish over 60 mph ?- Sailfish – Marlin.
27-If you were taking a class in pistology what are you studying ?- Faith.
28-What country has the highest voting age 25 ?- Andorra.
29-Two out of 3 adults in the USA suffer from what ?- Piles
30-What animal is the symbol of long life in Korea ?- Deer